Motivational Speaker | Executive Coach | Leadership Coach | Business Agility Coach

Chandra Taneja or CK as he is popularly known as is very cheerful and friendly. He has several lines of effort going at once and the best part is he is very effective in multi-tasking. He is a good talker and promoter and seldom worries over anything. At times, He has the ability to bring an idea to completion and get people to buy-in into it. He expresses himself joyously and constructively. CK is bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. He knows what he wants and why he wants it – it’s all sorted in his mind !!!
CK is dependable, very down-to-earth and well grounded, he is always looking for meaningful work, a career where he takes pride in his work and delivers the best he is capable of. CK’s prime desire and goal is to build protected and secure environment for people he is involved with. He can be very persuasive in achieving goals and gaining objectives. He is very detailed and well-organized and possesses great organizational skills. At times, he may appear too stubborn and overly critical to others, but his practical approach to life and productivity makes him one of the most beneficent members of the community.
CK is a natural motivator. His energy and enthusiasm is contagious and catches on to people that come in contact with him. He inspires people to achieve more in life and go beyond their limitations. CK has the patience to deal with all and remain calm at all times.
Leaders Coached
Startups Mentored
Career Transitions Coached